PASTOR SARA WIRTH Pastor Sara Wirth was called to serve as pastor of St. Andrew in December, 2022. A 2001 graduate of Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota, she previously served congregations in Montana and Colorado. Originally from South Dakota, Pastor Sara has a Bachelor's Degree in Education from Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Pastor Sara is a certified leadership coach, is a lead trainer with Excellence in Leadership, and is the synod's representative at the ELCA Systems Academy. She is a wife, a mother of twin teenagers, and a frequent indulger of the family dog, Patch. Hiking, skiing, camping and reading keep her connected with family and spiritually centered.
DEACON LINDA BOBBITT Linda was ordained as a Deacon in the ELCA in 2019. She has a Masters in Congregational Ministry and Leadership from Luther Seminary and went to Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary becoming a Certified Spiritual Director in 2021. She also has a Masters in Counseling Psychology from the University of Kansas. Linda has worked professionally as a therapist, health/human services administrator, researcher and facilitator. She served as the chair of the Rocky Mountain Synod Council for 8 years, and worked as a researcher for the Churchwide Organization of the ELCA leading the Congregational Vitality Project. Since becoming a Deacon, Linda has worked with several congregations in discernment and transition. Linda enjoys playing cello and bass. She has a husband Rick and two young adult children, Dan and CJ.
MARY ANN "SAMMIE" BRADLEY - Office Manager Sammie joined the St. Andrew staff in 2018. She is a Colorado native and graduated from CSU with a BS degree in Health and Human Services. She worked for several years in Fort Collins in the Aquatics Division and in Older Adult Recreation and Services. For 18 years, she was the Director of Senior Services and Recreation for the City of Lafayette. She has also taught adult fitness classes while raising twin daughters with her husband. Together they like to ski, swim, and bike. They are also active members in our sister congregation, Advent Lutheran, in Westminster. Her nickname, Sammie, comes from her Dad. And she is in good company with her sisters, who are nicknamed Turtle and Bunk.